Martie and Gareth announce the
birth of their twins. 5/03/2004
Just in time for Mother's Day, Martie and her hubby Gareth are
overjoyed to announce the birth of their twin girls on April 27th, 2004.
Eva Ruth 8:05 am , 5 lb 13 oz, 19 inches
long (right) Kathleen Emilie 8:08 am , 6 lbs. 1 oz, 19 inches long (left)
Does this mean there might now be a second generation of
Dixie Chicks in the making? Perhaps it's no coincidence that there is a long tradition of twin fiddles in music.
Update on the Twins! January 20th Hi everyone, I am now 23 weeks along in my pregnancy
and my belly is growing at an astounding rate. We found out that we are having two wee girls. Gareth and I were thrilled with
that news. We know that one of them will be named "Kathleen" after his younger sister who sadly passed away in a car accident
7 years ago. As for the other little girl, we are playing around with all kinds of names, especially the Irish ones. (Any
suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated). This is such a fun time in our lives right now. The girls went to
their first concert last night at a local club here in Austin. Joe Ely was playing with Natalie's dad, Lloyd, and our very
own David Grissom in the band. The music was amazing and I could feel the baby on my right side kicking the whole time. The
best part about this whole process so far is definitely feeling the babies' movements, it's very fun and reassuring. I must
say, it's been so nice having this down time to get out of the critical public eye for a while, relax, watch the twins grow
and practice my fiddle for the next record.
