[July 22, 2004] Slade now 3 yrs old has a little brother! Beckett
Finn was born July 14th.
[August 21st, 2003]Slade (2 1/2 yrs.) is a little ham and talks
a mile a minute, but baseball is his passion. (More on that in a minute) Slade and Gus see more action on tour than the rest
of us combined. While were in the bowels of the arenas sound checking, working out, having meetings, doing interviews, and
getting ready for the show,the normal stuff, they are out on adventures in whatever city we happen to be in. Gus and Slade
had front row seats to Dora The Explorer in Phoenix (swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping!) And they danced and sang the whole
time. We mommies are huge fans of Dora too. We find ourselves singing all the songs annoying Martie who has yet to discover
the wonders of this clever girl and her adventures. Shell know soon enough. When the weather was good enough wed drop everything
and head out with the kiddos to local zoos and aquariums, but baseball games were the mainstay of this tour. The Cincinnati
Reds, New York Yankees, L.A. Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, and the New York Mets were all nice enough to set us up with a box where
wed scarf hotdogs, meet the mascots and root on the local team. As mentioned before, Slade is obsessed with baseball and
is now throwing a dead-on-target fastball with help from Atlanta Braves pitcher, Russ Ortiz, who came to the show and made
his way back to meet Slade and work on his pitching game. Next up, the gang went to Six Flags where Slade conquered the Midway,
breaking all the plates with the baseball and winning 7 huge stuffed animals. We might have a major leaguer on our hands!
"The young jock doesnt like typical kid stuff on TV. Weve tried
to get him to watch cartoons, confesses Natalie, but the only thing hell watch is ESPN. Hes fascinated with sports and balls
of all kinds. "So who does Slade most look like
-- Natalie or Adrian? "Me," she proclaims. "Hes a blondie!" And who does he most
act like? "Adrian and I are both high-energy people and were both performers. Slades a high-energy show-off who loves to be
the center of attention! Slade definitely takes after his musical mom. He bops to music and dances really funny," declares
Natalie. "Hes very musical."
In the song The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round, she adds with
a motherly smile, "theres a verse where the bus driver says, Move on back, move on back. When Slade hears that, he motions
move on back by pointing his thumb over his shoulder."
[March 16, 2001]Dixie Chicks' lead singer Natalie Maines and husband
Adrian Pasdar welcomed the birth of their son, Jackson Slade Pasdar,at 9:57am (March 15, 2001) in Austin, TX. Little
Slade weighed in at 6 pounds even and 20 inches long. According to Dixie Chick Emily Robison, "He has sandy blond hair and
Natalie's nose." Mom and baby are doing great. Said Robison, "She made us very jealous. It was a very easy and fast delivery."
